Welcome to Conscious Companion®

Welcome to Conscious Companion®

“Home Away from Home” – Heart-art created by Conscious Companion

Welcome and Wado (udohiyu utsati = thank you in Cherokee). We are so grateful you’ve found us!

Weaving the wonders of both the seen and unseen, our heart-centered services are dedicated to uplifting, educating, inspiring, and empowering everyONE to thrive in each chapter of life. Conscious Companion extends compassion for all creatures through our many creations. From articles to books; from artwork to workshops; from global connections to in-home consultations, our passion is to create a conscious connection between families and their animal companions, between communities and Mother Earth, and between all beings and beyond. ​

Through this sacred space, our intention is to ignite that which is already within you. Thank you for taking the time to stop by! We hope you’ll stay : )

This blog is just one way we love to uplift and inspire! Visit our website to learn more about our services and gifted resources: Conscious Companion.com