Compassion and Calculated Creativity: Stepping Outside the Proverbial Pet Box

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ― Mother Teresa 🎙Note: This blog post is available as a podcast at our website.🎙 February 2019 Hello friends! And Happy Almost March! Seriously, how are we nearly in March already?? Time really does fly when you are having fun, …

Continue reading Compassion and Calculated Creativity: Stepping Outside the Proverbial Pet Box

Wheels of Light Keep Turning!

Wheel in the sky keeps on turning ... -Journey Hello Bright Light! I hope this finds you well at at peace in all ways.  Wow, we are nearly midway through the first month of the New Year!  Incredible.  So far, 2018 has not disappointed!  The energy has been incredibly expansive and focused, and our animal companions …

Continue reading Wheels of Light Keep Turning!

Disco, Dart Frogs, Cats, and Canines!

Considering the current state of affairs around the world, I thought we could all use some levity.  We all need a break from the fear, hate, insanity, and the seemingly never-ending drama.