Wheels of Light Keep Turning!

Wheel in the sky keeps on turning 


Hello Bright Light!

I hope this finds you well at at peace in all ways.  Wow, we are nearly midway through the first month of the New Year!  Incredible.  So far, 2018 has not disappointed!  The energy has been incredibly expansive and focused, and our animal companions continue to teach me, and challenge me with love and humor 😉  More on that later.

Today I would like to share something really fun and enlightening with you!  Please get comfy.  Grab your coffee or tea.  Open your mind and heart.  And try a little willingness to learn something new for the New Year.

If you were not yet aware, I would like to share a bit about the energy of this New Year, and how you can bring this energy into your home, your shelter, and to those with whom you live, work, and care for.  Then this topic will quickly flow into a bit about animals’ energy centers, how you can learn from them, and grow together!

2018 is a Year of Mastery! 

In numerology (which I am a total novice at), 2018 translates into 11, which is what they refer to as a Master Number.  Master numbers possess great potential for learning and growth and can bring major transformations in our lives.  This is a powerful year for everyone and all beings on Earth.

The Universal Energy for 2018: 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11  

Master Number 11 symbolizes high energy, inspiration, intuition, self-expression and personal power.  Master Number 11 is called ‘the Illuminator’, ‘the Messenger’ or ‘the Teacher’.  Master Number 11 also tells us that by connecting with our higher selves is to know and live our soul’s mission and life purpose.  2018 is also about partnership, connections, balance, equality, and flexibility!

You might be wondering, What the heck does that mean for me on a practical level?

Great question.  It basically means that we’re here to “master” the elements presented to us within the frequency, vibration, and “theme” of 2018.  Our strengths will be supported, but we will also be faced with more significant challenges.  However, if we are coming from an empowered place, these changes and challenges can be greeted not with fear, but with grace and ease.  This includes challenges with our animal companions.  Peace, joy, and expansion can be the epicenter of our lives.

Energy Artist Julia – Big Cartel

More Insights Into the Energy of 2018:

The Master number brings with it an intensity that’s undeniable.  It’s generally observed that the Master numbers bring a higher spiritual purpose, no matter how you might define that.  The Master numbers carry a higher frequency and vibratory influence.  Energetically speaking, they’re always pushing you.  So in practical terms, the year 2018 is a year where the energy supporting and guiding all of us is rather intense.  Everyone will be getting the internal call to step it up this year.

What better time than now to embrace these energies?!?  That is part of why I am finally shedding my current (and past) fears of sharing the more spiritual side of things with the world.  This is part of why I am stepping it up NOW.   So, needless to say, not only is the Master Number Energy in the mix, but today is a very auspicious day indeed: 1/11/2018, which is probably why I am so inspired to share with you today! So let’s get to it!

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Art by Iris Scott

The Year of the Earth Dog

The Chinese new year begins in February.  This will be the The Year of the Earth Dog.  Its keyword is ACTION.  Of the five Taoist elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood, this is the year of the Earth.  Stable, honest, practical, industrious, prudent, reliable, kind, and loyal are Earth qualities.  The element Earth enriches Dog’s character and adds needed stability.  The Earth Dog is endowed with some of the finest qualities of all the 12 astrology animals.  Since 2018’s element is Earth, this year is also about security and feeling grounded and safe.

Which leads me to the main point of this post:  Energy 

Beyond The Borders of Animal Training

As someone who has been an animal professional for nearly 20 years, I understand the need for, and the importance of humane, science-based animal training, species-specific enrichment, and species-appropriate husbandry.  I understand and the importance of animal care givers and companion animal guardians being fluent in specie-specific behaviors.  Knowing how to accurately read and correctly interpret an animal’s body language, and vocalizations is essential.  Knowing how animals learn and retain information is essential.  Understanding how and why force-free methods work is vital; applying these humane methods should be priority.  These science-based tools assist us in bridging the gap between species.

Conscious Companion_force free training_reptile training
Teaching my volunteers and interns at Audubon about science-based, force-free training

After decades of professional and personal experience, I am an expert in these areas.  I have seen the far-reaching effects of these compassionate, science-based methods, which is why I am very passionate about these tools!  I not only teach others how to use these tools, but I use them on a daily basis.  These are all necessary for any species of animal who is living in a captive environment, whether the animal is in our home or a facility.

But there is much more that we can work with and carefully manage that extends far beyond the borders ofanimal training,enrichment, and husbandry.  There are other elements at play that affect our animal family members, and the animals under our care at a shelter or facility.  This can be summed up in one word: Energy.

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Energy is everything.

As I have shared with you before, my life is a balance of science and spirituality.  This is how and why we now have a beautiful harmonic home life.  This is why my clients find success for life.  This blending of modalities and holistic approach to medical and behavioral challenges has changed everything for the better … and for the Greater Good.

How we manage energy is an integral part of being a Conscious Companion.  Practicing personal energy management is important to the management and success of managing our animal companions. It is also connected to the health and well being of them as well.  Assisting our animal companions with their energetic challenges is also an important part of being an empowering animal guardian!  Recognizing our energetic challenges is also incredible important and empowering!

Science-based, force-free training is only one part of the “pet puzzle.”  Knowing this and acting on it in an empowered way is vital.  Although it is2018, we are light years away of where we could all be with regards to how we live with and care for animal companions. The world of animal behavior consulting and animal guardianship will eventually shift to a world that combines both science and spirituality; we will finally learn how to work with the metaphysical and the physical. These worlds are not separate. They are One. And if we want to have true success, true lasting bonds and true health and harmony in our homes, we will learn to utilize (and live in) both of these worlds.

The blending of science and spirituality is the work of the future.  That future is now.   Conscious Companion


Checking and Balancing Chakras

One of the many ways that every animal guardian can come from a more empowered place and recognize potential pitfalls is by checking chakras!  No, that word is not the sound of a cat hacking up a hairball.  It’s totally legit. 😉 Hear me out …

All living beings have these.  Dogs, cats, people, dolphins, parrots, horses, rats, frogs, you name it!  If you’re alive, you have chakras!

animal chakras_pets

Chakras are energy centers/vortexes.  Chakras are conceived as an energy focal point, bodily functions, or psychic node in the subtle body.  Although this concept is found particularly in the tantric traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, countless holistic veterinarians work with pets’ chakras every day.  In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, chakras are often referred to for balance throughout.

The ancient Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk.  It is literally a wheel of LIGHT.  And each chakra has its own color of light!     In humans, there are seven main chakras (currently recognized –but there are many more!). These 7 chakras align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head.

Most animals have 8 Major chakras, up to 21 Minor chakras, and 6 smaller energy points known as Bud chakras (paw pads & the bud of skin at the opening of the ears).  Companion animals have an 8th chakra that we humans don’t have: a brachial chakra.  The main Chakras govern responses to surrounding energy.  The 3 chakras found in the lower part of the body (root, sacral & solar plexus) govern basic survival needs. The four chakras in the upper body (heart, throat, third eye & crown) govern mental processes and connection to higher realms.

Chakras expand or contract depending on a variety of circumstances (emotional AND physical health, environment, etc.).  Animals receive and distribute energy through each chakra individually, which makes them sensitive to subtle vibrations & changes within the atmosphere & their environment.  This invisible energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.


It’s not Woo-Woo; it’s just new to you! – Conscious Companion

Windows to Wellness

Chakras are a window to wellness.  In both people and pets, the energy body (which involves the chakras) are connected to emotions.  So the energy body is like a blueprint or software which gives instructions to the physical organs.  These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centers in the body.  Each of the main chakras contain bundles of nerves and major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being.

Being aware of both your and your animal companion’s mental and physical health is vital, which is why we perform routine Chakra Checks!  In another post I will teach you how we use a tool called a pendulum to check the status of each one, every day.  For today, what I want to get across is this: When chakras are open and balanced all is well within body and mind.  BUT… when even one chakra is out of balance, it affects the entire system.

Here’s one example/insight into the Heart Chakra of a feline:

An open, balanced, and aligned Heart Chakra allows for loving, harmonious relationships, tolerance, and being deeply connected to their guardian on a heart level.
-A closed or imbalanced heart chakra can adversely affect behavior.
-It could also indicate there is a physical issue in the body.
-Heart chakra governs the heart, lungs, immune system & thymus gland.


“Going from Ugh to Om”

So what does this mean for devoted animal guardians??  It brings us all to a very empowered place.  It’s an invitation to be more open, more curious, and willing to grow and heal … together.


Today a very dear friend and colleague who is a dog adorer-er 😉  gifted intuitive, Empath, and certified dog trainer is kicking off an incredible online class.   And it perfectly ties into today’s post.  Her class is all about the Wheels of Light, and how we can keep them turning!  In her 7 week class you will:

  • Learn an integrative approach to pet guardianship through the lens of mind, body, and energetic connection
  • Hear how true partnerships, heart-centered connections, and translating beyond your pets’ behaviors can help you and your animal companion heal, expand, and grow spiritually together
  • Discover how working with chakras, numerology, sacred geometry, animal symbolism and crystals can actually help shift your animal companion’s behavior like on-leash reactivity, separation anxiety, guest reactivity, barking, and accidents
  • Explore how your pet’s behaviors can provide clues to bigger energetic patterns in your life
  • Hear about a road map to how pet behaviors can give you specific insight into the healing that is ready to take place, including which limiting beliefs to process and which chakras they affect
  • Learn 3 questions that can help you call in more harmony, balance, and growth for you and your animal companion
AUM or Om (Sanskrit: ॐ) is a sacred sound and a spiritual icon in Indian Dharmic religions. It is also a mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism

In Denise’s groundbreaking class her focus will be mainly on canine companions and how our energy can affect them, but our feathered and feline friends will also be addressed as these topics arise.  It is going to be such a joy and honor to be a part of this important, ground-breaking, and incredibly empowering program!

As Denise clearly and beautifully states:

Energy connects us all.  The most primal way to communicate with our pets is energetically, but somewhere along the way this got discounted as a basic building block of dog obedience training and living a more connected life with your pet.  We are here to change all that, and redefine how we train, connect with, and relate to our animal companions.

I truly believe that you can make an unimaginable difference in the life of your animal companion by becoming an EMPOWERED animal guardian; you can BEcome a Conscious Companion, just as they already are.  You can move out of your comfort zone and be willing to learn new concepts, new ideas, and new insights.  You can empower them by healing and empowering yourself!  You can create an True New Year together!

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Grounding together at the beach with my beloved Hocus

“We are more alike than different. We Are One.” 
― Efrat Cybulkiewicz

2 thoughts on “Wheels of Light Keep Turning!

  1. Pingback: A Love Not of This World – Conscious Companion

  2. Pingback: Thanksgiving Tips for Busy Families (plus silly bloopers) – Conscious Companion

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