Benevolent Beings

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Mr. Beaux patiently waiting to head out for an adventure with me

Hello Bright Light!  And Happy October! ✨🍁✨🍂💫

I hope this finds you well and at peace in all ways.  Today I am inspired, so I Am guided to share something beautiful with you.  My hope is that it will inspire you, too!

As I write this we are snuggled up with our fur fam while the wind and rain tap and dance wildly at the window panes.  It’s quite a blustery day here in the new England area; something we never experienced on the west coast in southern California.  But we always make the most of less than ideal circumstances.  That’s been one of the most empowering lessons I’ve learned from my husband, Hocus Pocus, and the Kitty Boys.  Rather than complaining, they accept. And may I dare say, embrace challenging circumstances at times?

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.  Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow.  Let reality be reality.  Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu

I love that quote, even though I am not yet able to live my life that way every day.  But I do know someone who does.  You may have read about him before in this post, or this one.  His name is Mr. Beaux.  And he is my greatest teacher. He is the one, who consistently offers A Love Not of This World.

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Taking a break during one of our daily strolls

We recently celebrated his 19th birthday.  (That’s roughly 92+ in human years). ✨🐾✨
💜🖤💛 Yeah, this cool cat is rockin’ the geriatric life.  He is incredible.  I often jokingly say that I drink espresso just to keep up with his high-energy-arse.  If I have half of the sass and energy that he has when I am 50, I will be living the Good Life.  Here’s my birthday tribute to him:

This beautiful benevolent being has been one of the most amazing teachers for me on so many levels.  Not only does he challenge me to see things in a new way, but he has helped me to become a better human.  Every moment I’m grateful for the gift of this powerful teacher and for the blessing of being on this journey with him.  And since today is World Black Cat day, I thought this would be the purrfect time to share some thoughts about the benevolent beings who are here to teach us, and help us to “unlearn”.

“You must unlearn what you have been programmed to believe since birth. That software no longer serves you if you want to live in a world where all things are possible.” – Jacqueline E. Purcell

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Mr. Beaux, our Bodhisattva enjoying sunshine sits in the backyard with me

I adore black cats – all shapes, sizes, and species.  Between our family we’ve been graced with 3 black cats.  Black panther is one of my totem animals, and I find all melanistic creatures to be absolutely beautiful!  But I get it.  Not everyone loves the dark colors of life.  And not everyone dorks out about animal days like I do.

If you are anything like my husband, you might be rolling your eyes at the “black cat day” thing.  That’s cool.  When you meet one you’ll change your mind 😉   And when you do, he/she will transform your life … if you are open and allow it.

This morning while gleefully telling him how excited I was that there are two black cats days of celebration in the year he said, “Did you know that it’s national safety pin day tomorrow?” Confused, I asked him why he’s telling me this.  He quickly responded, “There’s a day for everything ridiculous.  I bet there’s even a flying squirrel day or a world poptart day.”

Rolling my eyes at him and his lack of enthusiasm, I left the room and went back to celebrating Black Cats Everywhere.  How did I do this?  I made a super cheesy video of course! 😀   🐾You can view it here.

After creating that video I got all feely and decided to post on our Empowered Path page how I really feel about Mr. Beaux, black cats, and the benevolent beings who walk with us. This was the quote that sparked it all …

“It wasn’t exactly love at first sight, but it was deeper than that; a sense of belonging to a place I never knew I wanted but somehow always needed. It was a home that carried a heartbeat.” — Nikki Rowe

That quote spoke loudly to me.  I mean, full-on-swoon-feels;  immediately Mr. Beaux came to mind.  And that’s when I was guided to share.  If you read this post, you’ll remember that I did not want this Stranger In Black.  

But here we are today.  And I owe him my all. 

It’s been nearly 20 years with this master teacher by my side and I’m still in awe of him.
Resistant to him at first, and certain I knew it all, I later became the humble student.  He became my greatest teacher.

When I’m frustrated, fearful, triggered, or tired, he holds space for healing and overlooks error.  With every heartbeat he exudes unconditional love.  With every moment he provides endless life lessons. Mr. Beaux has become my memory of our True Home.

Since the day our paths crossed nearly two decades ago he’s been a master teacher and Guide.  ♥️  Through this cool cat I’ve compassionately conquered some of my toughest life lessons, was introduced to his Lyran family, and discovered what unconditional love truly is.  Through his infinite wisdom I am still learning to “unlearn” and see through the veils. But mostly Mr. Beaux reminds us to never fear, to live boldly, to take risks, to speak our truth, to stay young at heart, to be kind always, to question everything, that patience pays off, and to always explore beyond the boundaries of life.

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Walking with Mr. Beaux on the Cliff near our home in Newport

Mr. Beaux is not unlike the enlightened ones who came before.  Don’t let their fur suits fool you; many are wise beyond words.  There are countless divine teachers who walk with us, reminding us of the Light within us all, and the love we are capable of being.
Here’s to the magical, mystical beings in our lives who hold space for us always, and who lead with Love.  May the grace and gifts they offer be an endless source of inspiration and magic. ✨🐾💫

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” ― R. Dahl

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I would like to note that my husband’s cynical comments were later clarified.  He was quick to point out the silliness of seemingly random days of the year, because, from his point of view, we could be honoring the ones we love and respect every day; we don’t need a day of the year to tell us to be loving, to appreciate, or to be kind.  He’s right. Every day is a gift.  And every day we have the opportunity to show our gratitude toward the ones we love. We don’t need a calendar to tell us that. 🙂

Do you have a benevolent being in your life who’s helping you to walk on an empowered path?  We’d love to hear about him/her and see pics❣️

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” — L. M. M.

… And in a world where magnificent, magical benevolent beings can become our greatest teachers. ✨🐾✨

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Mr. Beaux posing with a gorgeous gift from my husband

P.S. There IS a National Poptart Day – it’s on the 19th of May! And Squirrel Appreciation Day is Jan 21 — Hocus loves that day 😀

So there ya go.

Oh, and if you missed it, October 16 was National Feral Cat day, and don’t forget: October 29th is national cat day.  Ha!!

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Be well, friends.  Be Kind.  And remember to laugh!

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Fun Facts and Cool Links:

2 thoughts on “Benevolent Beings

  1. Pingback: Feeling Down? Get UP! – Conscious Companion

  2. Pingback: A New Year’s Blessing for You – Conscious Companion

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