Not Quite Love at First Sight

I Am determined to See. -ACIM

Hocus Pocus and me on our rooftop deck at our home on the beach in Cali

This Soul. 💛

Unconditional Love.

Light. Guardian. Pathfinder.

Heaven Sent. Angel Incarnate.

I ran from her initially; fearful of the love that called. Terrified of losing a timeless love again. Unable to let love in again. Blind. Unable to See.

Eventually I surrendered.
I let Love in.
I let love lead.

I couldn’t see
I couldn’t hear
Shut me off when you were near
Like a cloud
A dusty mirror
Disappear, you disappear
All of a sudden
All alone
I’m calling out
I’m calling love’s gonna let me know
“Let Me Know”, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs

She’s shown me worlds I never could have imagined. She’s challenged me in ways I never knew possible. She reflects back to me what I have yet to see within.

I am forever grateful.💝

Hocus is not unique in what she offers our family and the countless souls she encounters while she is here on Earth. Every one of our animal companions is a compassionate teacher in furry, feathered, or scaly suits. Every moment we have with them is a gift. Every emotion they invoke within us is a message.

But are we listening? Are we open to learning from them?
Are we willing to go within? Are we willing to SEE clearly?

I Am.

Yesterday was the anniversary of our beloved Hocus Pocus’ “Gotcha Day.” Coincidentally, it was also my Aunt’s birthday and the date of when her mother (my grandmother) was tortured and killed, then dumped on the side of the road for a small boy and his dog to later find.

A myriad of emotions.
Among them, Joy and Gratitude Reigned. 👑

My grandmother is still with us. She is our guardian angel. Her tragic transition out of this world was only the beginning; a new life for her … for all of us. And I honestly believe that our grandmother, Dolores, had a divine hand in directing Hocus Pocus to us. There are no coincidences.

Even in tragedy there are miracles in the making.
Rebirth. Life Reborn. Beginnings. Alchemy. Forgiveness. Awareness. Transformation. Insight. Healing. Spiritual Sight. Awakening.
Love Waiting.

No matter the illusion of form: birth, death, celebration, suffering; they are all invitations to remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence.
They are calling you Home to Love.
Love Is.

For you could not control your joyous response to the call of love if you heard it, and the whole world you thought you made would vanish. —ACIM, chapter 13

As I mentioned above, yesterday was Hocus Pocus’ “Gotcha Day”, and we are still celebrating!!! If you haven’t heard of a Gotcha Day, it’s basically an adoption day/ the day your animal companion came into your life. So, for those of y’all who love cheesy videos, here ya go 😉

Love’s gonna let me know
Like the day you took me home
We counted every minute left to go
My love’s gonna let you know
Let Me Know, Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Happy “Gotcha Day”, Hocus Pocus!

And if you’d like to read an excerpt of a current book in the works, you can view “Love At First Sight … Not Quite” in the link below. It’s a short story about how Hocus Pocus found our family, and more importantly who really invited Hocus into our lives. I am forever grateful.

“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Conscious Companion

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