Honoring ALL Mothers Every Day

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May 2020

Mother Earth Art

“Being a mother is an attitude, not always a biological relation.” ~ R. Heinlein

Hello, friends! And Happy Mother’s Day! I hope this finds you and yours well in all ways.

Wow, it’s been a wild ride over the past few months. 2020 has turned out to be more than many of us expected. Regardless of where we are now, and what we have been moving through in this crazy life chapter, we are not alone in any of this. We truly are in this together around the world.

We Are One.

When I say this, it is no trite statement; it is true, friend. This includes the air we breathe, the trees and plants, the skies and seas, and our Mother Earth and her many inhabitants. We are all connected. From the Spring Peepers to the many peoples, we are not separate from one another.

“A hydrogen atom in a cell at the end of my nose was once part of an elephant’s trunk. A carbon atom in my cardiac muscle was once in the tail of a dinosaur.” ― Jostein Gaarder

Incredibly, it’s been over 9 months since we last shared here. Taking a break has been good for many reasons, but since it’s Mother’s Day – and I am unable to be with mine – I Am inspired to share with you today. This will be a relatively short post that includes inspirational images and thoughts related to the many mothers around the world. My hope in you creating time to relax and absorb this will bring you: the gift of new perspective, provide inspiration, and uplift your spirit. Maybe then you will see things in a new light, and pass the love and inspiration onto others. For we all need inspiration and to be uplifted at this time!

“Every thought you have, every move you make, is like a pebble dropped into water; it continues to make ripples. That’s why it is so important your rhythms be true to life’s Spirit. For in that way, your future will always rest in compassion. For such is life’s Spirit. It is the spirit of compassion.” ― Steven James Taylor, The Dog

The Many Unseen Mothers

When most of us think of Mother’s Day, we immediately think of a person. Maybe we think of a grandmother, a biological mother, an adoptive mother, or a mother-in-law. Maybe we are missing a mom who has passed on. Maybe we are appreciating and missing the moms who are still with us. -I know I miss mine. Honoring our mothers (and honoring the mom that you might be) is truly wonderful, but what if we also included the many mothers of the world?

We shared this collage below a few years ago, but the amazing thing about the the Animal Kingdom is that it’s tales are timeless. And maybe more importantly, is an often overlooked aspect: The Animal QUEENdom.👑💗🌍

The many kinds of moms around the world.

What if – from this day forward – on Mother’s Day, we also included the many unseen moms behind the scenes? What if we considered the countless species of mothers all around the world? What a wonderful world that would be.

Moms are everywhere all over this wonderful world.

Our world is filled with an amazing animal kingdom full of extraordinary mothers! Just think of all of the many moms who inhabit our Mother Earth! From the frozen tundras to the humid jungles, moms are there. These mothers in the wild are guarantors of diversity. They are the caretakers, the guardians, the protectors, the providers, the leaders, and the teachers. They are the unsung heroes.

The Moms We May Never Meet

The wonderful world of wildlife is one aspect of Motherhood, but there are other unsung moms busy behind the scenes. Not only are the dedicated and devoted pet-moms-of-the-world some of the greatest people on the planet, but if we pan back far enough we discover other moms. These particular moms deserve our deepest gratitude. Yet, we may have never met them, and we may never know who they are. Although these moms may never be known, they have had a profound impact on “pet parents.”

These moms are the mothers of our animal family members.

The ones who walk, trot, swim, soar, and run next to us came into the world through their mothers. Some of these moms might have moved on from this physical life; some might still be with us today. But if it wasn’t for their mother, we would have never had our dearly beloveds by our side.

When you look at your cat, pup, pig, pony, turtle, lizard, fish, ferret or parrot, do you ever wonder who their mama was? Have you ever wondered who brought your beloved animal family member into the world? Whether they hatched or were birthed, they had a mother. These mothers also deserve our adoration and gratitude. They are the ones who brought our furry, scaly, hairy, and feathered soul mates into the world.

I will always be grateful for these mothers.

Our wee Hocus Pocus, just outside the puppy pile with their mama, Lola

And if you have had the pleasure of meeting, knowing, or falling in love with the mother of your companion animal, it changes you forever. This week, one of our furry family members had a Big Birthday. Not only were we celebrating a decade of our lil dude being with us, but I was reflecting on how grateful I am for the mom who brought his precious soul into the world. Her name was Mama Cat, and I loved her dearly. (You can see the post about her and who she brought into the world here.)

Mama Cat, a feral who gave birth to a litter of kittens under our porch
She had my whole heart from the start. I will love her forever.

Beyond Birth and the Bonds

Your connection to your companion animal comes from within. But it all began long before he/she was even a blip on the radar. We cannot even begin to appreciate every alignment, synchronicity, and behind the scenes orchestration that collaborated together to bring the incredible being with whom you share a home now, into the world. Somehow, despite all the odds, and impossible paths, we all aligned with our beloved family members at just the right moment in time. It’s truly amazing.

And each of their mothers were the seed that grew, and through their lives, they allowed the flowers of our lives to bloom.

“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning

Happy Mother’s Day to the countless dedicated moms around the world who love, care, and protect for their furry, feathered, scaly, and hairy “kids” with such incredible devotion. We appreciate that “Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.” And as Conscious Companions, we honor ALL moms every day! And as the above heart-warming images and these remarkable wildlife tales prove, a mother’s love is unconditional – no matter what species you are.

The Mother of All Life

Last but not least, this post would not be complete without sharing our love and gratitude for the Mother who supports us all; the mother who sustains every species; the mother who is also often overlooked – our Mother Earth.

This Mother’s Day, as we honor our mothers, grandmothers, ancestors, and every mother of the wild ones, may we remember to honor and give our gratitude to Mother Earth. She has seen it all. She has lived through more than we can imagine. Yet she is still here. She is supporting all life, all births, and all of the many mothers around the world.

Thank you, Mother Earth. Thank you for allowing all of the mothers that we love dearly – and the many mothers we may never meet — to be born, to live, and to thrive in your seas, skies, mountains, forests, deserts, and tundras.

All mothers are here because of you.

We thank you, Mother Earth.

Below is some new artwork we created on Earth Day. This pieces serves to be a visual reminder of Mother Earth’s unmatched beauty and resilience, and a reflection of what our Mother can become when she has clean and clear seas and skies. When we heal, she heals, and when she heals, we heal. Every day can be Earth Day and Mother’s Day when each of us chooses to do our part for the greater good of all species who share this precious planet. There is so much we can consider now, to create a better future for all.

We Are One.🤍✨🌎✨

Earth Art we created in honor pf our precious planet

“Kinship with all creatures of the earth, sky, and water is a real and active principle. In the animal and bird world, there exists a brotherly feeling that keeps us safe among them … This concept of life and its relations filled us with the joy and mystery of living; it gave us reverence for all life; it made a place for all things in the scheme of existence with equal importance to all.” ― Chief Luther Standing Bear

Honoring The Mother of ALL Moms: Mother Earth

Blessings to you and yours, dear ones.

Be Kind and Gentle & Stay Lifted.

All my love💗

Conscious Companion

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